Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where Are They Now: Ismael Valdez

Ismael "Rocket" Valdez played for the Blue Crew for 6 magnificent years winning 51 games. He was signed by the Dodgers at the age of 17 and made his major league debut at the age of 20. After being implicated in the Mitchell report, he officially retired from baseball in 2006.

In 2007 Ismael invented a new fusion cuisine he coined as the "Falaco". Growing up in Mexico, but being mistaken as Middle Eastern throughout his career, he decided that it would be ironic and fitting to incorperate his two favorite foods, falafels and tacos. The falaco consists of a pita shell stuffed with sour cream, pico de gallo, two falafel balls, carnitas, and rice and beans. His other invention, the schwarma asada, has also garnered attention through its appearance on Anthony Bourdain's "No Reservations". Today Valdez owns his very own restaurant, "Rocket's Falaco's", in San Dimas, California.

Valdez will always be remembered as the Dodger with the flattest ass in franchise history. I have fond memories of sitting on the first base side of the field with my father watching him pitch from the stretch, and wondering "where is his ass?".


  1. I haven't stopped staring into his eyes since i opened this page...3 hours ago

  2. Are you still there?
